Hammock University - a course on how to make money on the Internet
a division of J. Hammock & Associates, LLC


  1. Determine your unique selling proposition (USP)
  2. Grab the reader's attention with a killer headline
  3. Establish your credibility
  4. Solve your reader's biggest problem
  5. Include a strong guarantee

A web site is a tool, it's a means to and end, not an end in and of itself. Therefore, you need to be clear what you want your web site to do for you.

Class Exercise:

Print out this form and fill out. This is a form that asks you a few questions you should wrestle with before you begin on your site.

Web Site Hosting | Domain Name Registration | Web Site Design

info@hammock.net | 800-654-2002 | 509-493-2296 | 1099 Snowden Road • White Salmon, WA 98672 | U.S.A.
J. Hammock & Associates, LLC - © 2006

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