Hammock University - a course on how to make money on the Internet
a division of J. Hammock & Associates, LLC

Link Popularity Tips

The Basics

To improve your search engine ranking, it is very important to have other related websites link to your site. Search engines are paying more attention to inbound links from other popular related sites. Search engines figure that if related websites link to your site, then it's more relevant than a site that does not have any inbound links. Inbound links from unrelated sites or from obscure sites do not help. Set aside some time for picking up the phone and calling related or complementary businesses and ask them to trade links. It's better to have a text link that includes your keywords to your site. For example, if you are selling widgets, a link to your site should have the word widgets in it.

The Specifics

The two best ways to increase your link popularity are to send out press releases, and to work the phone. Getting on industry portals is also good because of the relevancy to your industry.

Check your log analyzer frequently to see what sites people are coming from. If your web host doesn't provide a log analyzer, then switch to a web host that does. It's extremely important o have a log analyzer. It will tell you things like...

  • How many visitors you are getting
  • What sites they're coming from
  • What search phrases they're using
  • What pages they're visiting
  • And much more.


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